Thomas Parks
Instructor of Business Ethics
Phone: 206-281-2621
Office: McKenna Hall 222
Education: BA, Trinity Western University, 2006; MDiv, Seattle Pacific University, 2018. At SPU since 2018.
Thomas Parks teaches graduate and undergraduate courses on business ethics, Christian faith and the marketplace, as well as the intersection of business and spirituality. His teaching is centered on ethicality within relationships and explores the systems and practices that undergird and inform the quality of those relationships.
Alongside teaching, Thomas seeks to further meaningful work for organizations and individuals by integrating values, relationships and strategy through his company, Planted Living. Prior to teaching and consulting, he enjoyed working in commercial construction management and pastorally within the church. His theological perspective, pastoral background and work experience reinforce a holistic approach to work that connects the aspirational with the practical.
Thomas is thankful to be an invested husband and father. He enjoys working in the garden, cooking, getting out in nature and small household projects.
Selected Publications
- Baker, Bruce and Tom Parks. (2019). “The Gleaner’s Edge: The Modern-Day Power of an Old Testament Practice to Transform How We Do Business (Cover Story).” Christianity Today July/August 2019: 28-34.